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5 Reasons to have A Responsive Website Design


With the growth of mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, it has now become essential for websites to be mobile friendly. And, if the core component of your business strategy is SEO, then it is imperative to have a website that is mobile friendly. If you still have not made your website mobile friendly and responsive, you are definitely missing out on a lot. To help you understand why you should go for a responsive website design, we have outlined the major reasons. Read on to know all about them.

1. The use of Smartphones is on the Rise

You will be surprised to know that there are more mobile devices in the world right now than there are people. The number of mobile users in the world is increasing every single passing minute. Therefore, it is important that the websites are designed in such a way that they can be easily browsed by the smartphone and other mobile device’s users. If you don’t offer your customers the best user experience on a mobile device, it is highly likely that they will switch to other websites that offer them this.

2. Ecommerce and Mobile Shopping is Increasing

With the increase in mobile responsive websites, more and more people are now using mobile devices for shopping. It is easier for them to buy on the go using these websites. Therefore, if your website is not mobile friendly, it is going to lose customers to the competition’s website.

3. Social Media is taking over the World

Yes, you read that right. Social media is becoming one of the most important parts of everyone’s life now. Businesses that want to make the best use of this growing trend need to have a responsive website and elements associated with it.  If you want to make the most of your social media marketing strategy and want to ensure that there is a social sharing of your content on the social media websites, then it is imperative to design a responsive website.

4. SEO Ranking

If you have been doing everything to increase your SEO ranking but have not made a responsive website, then there is nothing that will help you reach the top of search engine ranking. Keep in mind that mobile searches have overtaken the desktop searches and in the wake of this development, it is necessary to have a responsive website.

5. Better User Experience

If you are looking to provide your customers the best user experience, it is mandatory to have a responsive website. From zooming to pinching and clicking to sharing, a responsive website makes the process smooth for the users. An unresponsive website, on the other hand will only make the user frustrated when they are browsing it on their mobile devices as all the elements of the website will be scattered here and there. Thus, switching to a responsive website is not only important but a necessity in this modern world of websites and social media.

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